Friday, December 7, 2012

10 things your IT guy wants you to know…

Original is posted here. Re-posted with permission from the author.

A great list of some things we all wished our users knew.

1. Don’t argue with me.

If you come to me to ask technical questions, please don’t argue when you don’t like my answer. If you think you know more about what you’re asking than I do, then why even ask? On that same note, if I am arguing with you, it’s because I’m certain that I am correct; otherwise I’d just tell you “I don’t know” or perhaps point you somewhere that you could look it up. We don’t argue just for the sake of arguing.

2. If you say you’re an idiot for doing something, I’ll likely agree.

When you start a conversation by insulting yourself (e.g. “I’m such an idiot”), you will not make me laugh or feel sorry for you; all you will succeed in doing is reminding me that yes, you are, indeed, an idiot, and that I’m going to hate having to talk to you. Trust me, you don’t want to start out this way.

3. Don’t lie about what you did, we’ll find out anyway.

We’re okay with you making mistakes; fixing them is part of our job. We are NOT, however, okay with you lying to us about a mistake that you made. It just makes it that much harder to resolve and thus makes our job more difficult. Be honest and we’ll get the problem fixed and both of us can continue on with our business. Lying to us and, therefore, costing us twice as much of our time will not win you any brownie points with IT.

4. IT might be awesome and powerful, but even we have limitations.

There is no magic “Fix it” button. Everything takes some amount of work to fix, and not everything is worth fixing or — gasp! — even possible to fix. If I tell you that you’re going to have to re-do a document that you accidentally deleted two months ago, please don’t get mad at ME. I’m not ignoring your problem and it’s not that I don’t like you, we just can’t always fix everything.

5. Don’t cry wolf.

Not everything you ask us to do is “urgent”. In fact, by marking things as “urgent” every time, you’ll almost certainly ensure that we treat none of it as a priority.

6. It’s pretty likely you don’t have the most important job.

You are not the only one who needs help, and you usually don’t have the most urgent issue. Give us some time to get to your problem; it will get fixed.

7. Like an elevator button, we won’t come to you faster if you keep pushing ours.

E-mailing us several times about the same issue is not only unnecessary, it’s highly annoying as well. We record issues in a database so that we don’t lose track of them (remember how we ask that you create a ticket? That’s why.) We will typically respond as soon as we have a useful update to make. If your problem is urgent, please do let us know (but see number five).

8. Email me, we’ve got 5 devices that tell us when we get a new email.  However, many of us still only have one that tells us when you left a voicemail.

Yes, we prefer e-mail over phone calls. It has nothing to do with being friendly or anti-social, it’s about efficiency. It is much faster and easier for us to list out a set of questions that we need answers to than it is for us to call and ask you them one by one. You can find the answers at your leisure and, while we’re waiting, we can work on other problems.

9. Don’t cry.

We may, at times, seem blunt and rude. It’s not that we mean to, we just don’t have the time to sugar coat things for you. We assume that we are both adults and can handle the reality of a problem. If you did something wrong, don’t be surprised when we tell you. We don’t care that it was a mistake because, honestly, it makes no difference to us. Please don’t take it personal, we just don’t want it to happen again.

10. We can do most, if not more than the things you think we can do, but we don’t because we don’t really care.

Finally, yes, I can read your e-mail, yes, I can see what web pages you look at while you’re at work, yes, I can access every file on your work computer, and yes, I can tell if you are chatting with people on instant messenger (and can read what you’re typing, as well). But no, we don’t do it. It’s highly unethical and, perhaps more importantly, you really aren’t that interesting. Unless I am instructed to specifically monitor or investigate your actions, I don’t do it. There really are much more interesting things on the Internet than you.

JR’s Commentary:

This was a good read, and is still relevant to today’s IT world. Yes, the above post is pompous and arrogant. But it’s also the product of YEARS of mistreatment by end users. Too many times we’re treated as servants or “lesser positions”. We are co-workers in most cases, and deserve to be treated thusly.

Now, if you’re a customer who’s paying money to have somebody fix your personal computer – then, by all means, stand your ground. But don’t be rude about it, and be sure they CAN fix it, and that it’s not your fault. It’s not just a joke that most computer issues are brought on by what we as users do to them, not because “it just stopped working right”.

I want to bring special light to #3. It is a VERY well known (and, unfortunately, deserved) case that “users always lie”. No, none of us are so naïve to believe that every single user will lie every single time. The problem is that users will frequently leave out important information (“The PC won’t work because I left my power cable at home three weeks ago”), or that they will lie outright to try to avoid looking stupid (“No, of course I didn’t do anything to it whatsoever. You guys in IT are the last ones that touched it six months ago”). The first issue is annoying, because it takes a LOT longer to find out what the real issue is. The second makes us mad, and makes everything else you tell us suspect – do you really expect us to believe that you didn’t work on your computer AT ALL for the last six weeks/months? No, you did something to your PC. Don’t try to tell us you did nothing.

If you tell the truth on how you screwed up, we actually won’t be mad at all! In fact, we’d feel refreshed at the change of pace, fix the issue, and move on to the next ticket; end of story. If you try to hold on to the lie, you wind up becoming somebody we despise, and you’re suddenly a story we tell on sites like, Reddit, Clients From Hell, etc. Don’t be that guy/gal.

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